Professional References

Professional references, Preparation layer, paint layer and canvas support Saint Colomban, Morbihan

Professional references in Conservation-restoration of paintings for public institutions in the West of France. I work for public institutions in charge of art collections. In particular, with the DRACs of Brittany, Pays de la Loire and Nouvelle Aquitaine.

  • Musée des Beaux Arts de Bordeaux, Gironde
  • Musée des Beaux Arts de Libourne, Gironde
  • Museum of Fine Arts, Vannes, Morbihan
  • Museum of Art, La Roche sur Yon, Vendée

I participated in interventions of restoration of polychrome works and wall paintings (photos here). All these interventions concern cultural goods classified or registered as Historic Monuments.

- Restoration of 4 paintings from the 19th and 20th centuries belonging to the Musée de Libourne collection (33)

- Restoration of a painting by Marquet, recently added to the collections of the Musée des Beaux Arts de Bordeaux (33)

- Restoration of 4 paintings of the XIXth and XXth century belonging to the collection of the Museum of Vannes (56)

- Restoration of seven paintings of the XIXth and XXth century belonging to the collection
of the Museum of Vannes (56).

- Sanitary assessment of the collections, Vannes museum, at the request of Mrs. Françoise
Berretrot, curator and director of the Vannes museum and Mrs. Marie-Annie
Avril, responsible for the Fine Arts collections. Drafting of dated and illustrated condition reports for 124 works belonging to the museum's collection or on deposit.

Intervention in situ in the external reserves and in the museum. Prioritization of
conservation-restoration interventions with regard to the observed alterations.

- Restoration of the series of six paintings on canvas by Paul Baudry and dated
from 1868. The works belong to the collection of the Museum of La Roche-sur-Yon.
The series copies Raphael's Cartons representing the Acts of the Apostles and
kept in the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.

- Restoration of an oil on copper work belonging to the collection of the Museum of
La Roche-sur-Yon
. Work possibly of the XVIIth century, trace of signature. The
painting is entitled "The drinker".

- Restoration of the murals in the ambulatory chapels of the choir, Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral. Grouping of Marie Parant-Andaloro.

- Restoration of two oil-on-canvas paintings belonging to the collection of the Cathedral of Saint Jean-Baptiste in Aire sur l'Adour.

- Restoration of a painting, Station of the Stations of the Cross, belonging to the collection of the Cathedral of Saint Jean-Baptiste in Aire sur l'Adour.

- Restoration of two altarpieces in the chapels of the church of Saint Gervais de Vic (72), dated from the 17th century. Virgin of the Rosary and Saint Sebastian. Oil on canvas, W: 154cm x H: 160cm. Restoration
followed by Mrs Palonka-Cohin, CAOA Sarthe and the DRAC des Pays de la Loire.

- Restoration of painted works, Saint Donatien basilica, Nantes (44).
Marie Parant Group. Restoration of the keystones, the Latin citation of
the nave and transepts. The citation extends over approximately 120 meters divided into thirty frames.

- Restoration of an oil on canvas painting, signed lower right Pierre Besnard and
dated 1685. The painting is part of the altarpiece in the church of Saint Germain
in Villaines-sous-Malicorne (72). The painting is a copy of
" The Holy Family and St. John the Baptist " by Annibal Carracci (1560-1609), dated
around 1600 (National Gallery, London). The work is listed under
Monuments Historiques, restoration supervised by Mme Palonka-Cohin, CAOA Sarthe
and DRAC des Pays de la Loire.

- Restoration of two 17th century paintings belonging to the church collection
Saint Denis, Verneil-le-Chétif (72). They are classified as Historic Monuments
. These paintings were to be exhibited at the Abbaye royale de l'Epau
for the " Trésors d'art sacré, peinture religieuse mancelle au XVIIème
siècle - & 30 ans de restauration par le Département de la Sarthe
" exhibitions, restoration
monitored by Mme Palonka-Cohin, CAOA Sarthe and the DRAC des Pays de la Loire.

- Restoration of the altarpiece " Holy Trinity ", oil on canvas, belonging to the
collection of the chapel of Saint Colomban in Saint Nolff (56). The painting is registered
as a Historic Monument, Restoration monitored by the DRAC Brittany.
l:130cm x H:140cm.

- Statement of condition dated and illustrated painting oil on canvas signed Alexandre-
Evariste Fragonard
and dated 1837. The work is a deposit of the CNAP in thechurch Saint-
Patern of Vannes
(56). The report is written at the request of the DRAC of
Brittany (Ms. Cecile Oulhen) to be presented at the exhibition "Alexandre Evariste
Fragonard, the prodigal son" which will be held at the Museum of Angouleme from 18
September 2020 to January 3, 2021.

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